Fate of the Remnants is Obscure Tides first official game, based of the Fate Core rules from Evil Hat Productions, and is best described as a post-cataclysmic, dark fantasy role-playing game.
It takes place in the raging Oracle War, a brutal conflict that followed the fall of the gods. This series of cataclysmic events sundered the world, scattered the people, and devastated entire kingdoms. The warring lords that remain are slowly reining in their forces, fortifying whatever is worth defending rather than pushing the war to its bloody end. The bloodshed so far has been profound and no one is truly innocent anymore, not even the youngest and most sheltered. Battle fatigue and desperation have taken their toll, leaving the weak at the mercy of the strong. Priests, holy matriarchs and augurs were blamed for the events, hunted down, imprisoned and killed, as commoners tried to fathom the reasons and causes of the obvious coming End.
From the shadows of the war, a tide of evil poured forth. Wise folk claim that this is the legendary Darkness Before; a primordial shadow that envied the gods and their creation, and which ensnared the weak to do its malevolent bidding. Perhaps it has always been with us, hiding in the darkness, or perhaps it found a way up from the Underworld after the gods were gone… who knows?
In the mayhem of the war – under the veil of the Darkness Before – a small flicker of light appeared. From their hidden chambers and libraries, magicians of old emerged. Once banned from the tribes of men when the followers of gods gained power, they are now the last hope of all living men and women.